What does succession management look like at Deloitte?

Succession management is a live priority for Deloitte this year

Points-based immigration to open UK to highly-skilled workers

The UK government has revealed further details of its points-based immigration system, due to start on 1 January 2021

Leadership for the 21st century

?“A good succession plan is when a business anticipates its leadership needs of the future and puts in enough time to plan for a smooth transition.

Identifying critical skills biggest concern for HR

Half (50%) of HR professionals have said that their biggest concern for future jobs is identifying critical skills and characteristics, according to research from Aon’s Assessment Solutions

The art of tricky succession conversations

?One of the qualities required for an HRD to be an effective succession planning facilitator is courage

HR's role in strategic succession planning

With greater scrutiny on how organisations are governed and led, now is the time for HR to take charge on succession planning

Automation and AI's role in HR

Recruitment, onboarding and retention are time-consuming tasks that keep HR busy for little reason when software can execute some of the same actions quicker and more accurately

Freelancers report high job satisfaction

Full-time freelancers have rated their job satisfaction an average of 4.1 out of five in a survey from financial services provider Payoneer

Addressing the global skills crisis

Many countries are experiencing skills shortages, but there are options for retraining through joint-agency efforts

Good workplace relationships have largest impact on job satisfaction

Good relationships with colleagues are essential to job satisfaction, according to 77% of workers

Fast-track ‘global talent visa’ to be launched

Scientists and researchers seeking a working visa will no longer need a job offer before entering the UK, according to an immigration policy update

Making the leadership leap

How can organisations make sure that leadership transitions – both within and from outside the company – are successful?