Setting intentions instead of resolutions

In this series of wellbeing columns, Karen Beaven offers advice to others in HR

Switching off an ‘always-on’ culture

For a full ‘right to disconnect’ approach to emails to work it must become part of UK law

HR magazine tries… A personal resilience retreat

Jenny Roper tests getting away from it all for a weekend learning about the science of mindfulness

Jason Bradbury: Tech can make us more empathetic

?Speaking at the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition, Jason Bradbury outlined technology's power to boost empathy and advised HR not to worry about automation

Tanni Grey-Thompson: Disability targets give a false picture of progress

Speaking at the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition, Grey-Thompson explored the tough job HR faces in making workplaces more inclusive for people with disabilities

Female and younger leaders more susceptible to imposter syndrome

More than a third (36%) of leaders experience frequent or high levels of 'impostor feeling' (IF), according to Heriot-Watt University and the School for CEOs research

HR must remember its purpose to avoid burnout

At the UNLEASH World conference a panel of HR professionals shared tips for maintaining wellbeing in a challenging role

Ed Balls: Physical and mental health conditions can be useful at work

The former Labour MP shared his experience of learning to manage a stammer in a public role and urged others not to hide their conditions

How energy affects your resilience

In a series of wellbeing columns Karen Beaven offers advice to others in HR

Why HR needs to be more selfish

It should be liberating, while also a little bit scary, to accept that what your people need isn’t a new initiative but a new you

Brexit uncertainty causing stress and anxiety among staff

As wrangling over blocking a no-deal Brexit and Boris Johnson's plan to prorogue parliament continues, research shows staff are anxious about the impact of Brexit

Mental health app round-up

The lowdown on four apps designed to help employees address and prevent mental ill health