Workplace adjustments – are we getting it right?

As we look ahead to the UN’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December), we are reminding employers about the importance of listening to staff experiences.

Why HR should prioritise digital accessibility

When it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent, HR professionals are continually looking for ways to ensure their organisation stands out from the crowd.


Government urged to tackle disability pay gap

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has urged the government to introduce mandatory disability pay gap reporting for businesses as the UK's disability pay gap increases for another year.

Government commits £6 million to disability support platform

The government has laid out plans to launch a £6.4 million online service designed to help employers better support disabled people and those with health conditions at work.

Pensions minister pledges workplace reform amid government u-turn

The secretary of state for work and pensions Chloe Smith has outlined the government's plan to help stimulate the UK workforce.

Rethinking EDI in the NHS

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is high on the agenda for most organisations. A recent report by HR and payroll firm, SD Worx highlighted that 68% of UK organisations are now committed to...

UK pledges £8 million to plug autism employment gap

The UK government has pledged £7.6m in funding to local authorities to help autistic adults get into work, after reaching its target for disabled people in work.

What makes a successful chief diversity officer?

Despite Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg recently branding diversity officers as "a job creation scheme by the woke, for the woke", there is no doubt that there has been a significant increase in the...

National Disability Strategy fails to have desired impact

The government's National Disability Strategy, which hit its first anniversary this week, has so far failed to positively impact the lives of disabled workers across the UK.

Disability employment gap worse for men than women

Disabled men are more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled men, disabled women and non-disabled women in the UK.

Hybrid work could mean employers are overlooking disabled staff

Disabled employees are concerned they will lose out on opportunities at work due to working remotely.

Long covid recognised as disability in landmark tribunal

An employee with long Covid has won an employment tribunal for unfair dismissal, becoming the first person to successfully claim that the condition should be classed as a disability.