Adrian Chiles returns to tribunal over £1.7m IR35 case

TV presenter Adrian Chiles will head back to tribunal to face HMRC over £1.7 million in tax claims, after an appeal found that the first-tier tribunal (FTT) had misinterpreted the law.

What can HR learn from the MoD hack?

HR data privacy made headlines this month when the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was subject to a hack that exposed the personal data of an estimated 270,000 current and former military personnel.  

How to increase engagement with compliance learning

Compliance learning needs to be relevant and easy to remember. But how can we make people care?

Work socials need to be more inclusive of those who don't drink

While inclusivity in the workplace is high on the agenda, the fact that 34% of employees avoid work socials because alcohol will be present, suggests that more needs to be done to help those of us...

Sky Sports pundit fined £210,000 over IR35 battle

Former footballer and Sky Sports pundit Neil McCann lost his IR35 case appeal against HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), which has left him facing a tax bill of £210,000.

HR’s role in aligning a people and sustainability strategy

HR leaders have a crucial role in helping businesses develop and implement ambitious ESG goals.

How to create a zero-waste office

Creating a zero-waste office is an ambitious yet increasingly attainable goal for businesses committed to sustainability.

HR lessons from the Horizon Scandal

Internal investigations are back in the media spotlight, after a TV drama fuelled fresh momentum for the long-running campaign in favour of people affected by the Post Office IT scandal. Will recent...

Rulebreakers cost UK businesses £1.6 million a year

Failure to comply costs UK businesses £1.6 million per year on average, according to a study from training platform Cypher.

Hot topic: When is drug testing fair?

Athletes, police officers and members of the armed forces have historically been drug tested, but employers in other sectors are beginning to follow the practice. When is it fair to ask employees to...

What are employers' duties in cold weather?

As temperatures plummet below zero and the Met Office predicts snow, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) says HR teams should review their cold weather policies.

How McDonald’s can avoid future accusations of sexual harassment, racism and bullying

The issue involves a global brand relying on its management and franchisees to maintain the culture and behaviour the ‘golden arches’ deserves and has worked hard to build and develop.