Automation more likely to affect female workers

?The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has called on the government to ensure the benefits of technology are evenly shared

Future-proofing finance for the digital era

Technology will forever change the way we do business. So how can you best prepare your organisation’s financial future?

Employers struggling to find skilled workers

Organisations are looking to develop talent internally to mitigate Brexit-fuelled skills shortages

HR the worst function on data

HR and recruitment is the business function that's made the least progress in using data and insight to optimise and measure performance, according to business leaders

HR magazine tries... Acting techniques for storytelling

Rachel Muller-Heyndyk learns how to be a better storyteller and communicator, as part of the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama’s programme of acting techniques for HR and L&D professionals

Workers feel left out of technology change

While many employers expect technology to deliver productivity and wellbeing gains, a separate report warns that workers feel shut out of decisions around tech

UK employees bored with L&D

?UK employees feel bored and disinterested when it comes to workplace learning, according to City & Guilds Group

Leaders may have more soft skills than you think

Most people use soft skills already, without perhaps knowing what they are

Anthony Seldon: Understand human intelligence or be "eaten alive" by AI

The mismatch between employers and educators must be resolved to develop the skills needed in the world of work and reduce the risk of humans being surpassed by AI

TUC's Paul Nowak: The tech revolution must happen with people, not to people

Workers must be given greater say over AI implementation to avoid widening inequality, according to the TUC's deputy general secretary Paul Nowak

Is HR getting too 'soft' in its focus?

Boosting leaders' soft skills won't make them more effective without a firm foundation

CIPD launches parents returners programme

?The CIPD has secured funding from the Government Equalities Office to run a pilot scheme that will help parents get back into work in Yorkshire and The Humber