Personal Development

HR Most Influential 2022: top practitioners and thinkers

Last night HR magazine unveiled its 2022 HR Most Influential (HRMI) rankings aboard the HMS Belfast.

HR hires should be priority for start-ups

HR could be an important differentiator for startups, given many small companies will be competing with larger firms for top talent.

Soft skills exaggerated in HR

The misconception that HR revolves solely around soft skills could be leading less men to enter the profession.

HRMI 2022: Leila McKenzie-Delis, CEO, DIAL Global 

Leila McKenzie-Delis is the founder and CEO of DIAL Global, a community for diverse and inclusive leaders, founder of diversity and inclusion (D&I) charity McKenzie Delis Foundation and founder...


HRMI 2022: Shereen Daniels, managing director, HR Rewired

An advocate for anti-racism in business, and managing director of anti-racism advisory firm HR Rewired, Daniels is a proactive champion for the need to focus on transformative change which removes...

HRMI 2022: Eugenio Pirri, chief people and culture officer, The Dorchester Collection

Eugenio Pirri has dedicated his career to ensuring that people are the cornerstone of every business decision.


HRMI 2022: John Amaechi, founder, APS Intelligence

John Amaechi is a chartered scientist, respected organisational psychologist and the founder of APS Intelligence, a consultancy that partners with organisations across sectors to help them imagine and...

HRMI 2022: Scarlett Brown, director, Board Intelligence  

Scarlett Brown is director of Board Intelligence Think Tank which aims to enable business leaders to create a fairer future.

HRMI 2022: David Pearl, founder, Street Wisdom

David Pearl is an author, speaker and arts-in-business innovator.

HRMI 2022: Matthew Syed, author and founder, Matthew Syed Consulting 

Matthew Syed is an author and speaker in the field of high performance.  

HRMI 2022: Harvey Francis, executive vice president and chief HR officer, Skanska UK 

Harvey Francis is executive vice president and chief people officer at Skanska UK, a role he has held since 2008.  

HRMI 2022: David Frost, people and organisational development director, Dole 

David Frost is people and organisational development director at Dole, the world’s largest fresh produce supplier, with 40,000 people operating out of 30 countries.