To look after others you need to look after yourself

In the first part of his article on avoiding burnout during the recession, Dave Ulrich, HR magazine's Most Influential 2009 thinker, focused on how HR professionals should take care of themselves...

Women more analytical than men in building their own careers, but not when it comes to others

A day after The Apprentice's all-female final, workplace psychologist OPP has revealed it is women who make better career decisions than men - but only when it comes to themselves.

Dave Ulrich on how HR professionals should look after their own health and wellbeing

Dave Ulrich, HR magazine's Most Influential 2009 thinker, offers advice to HR professionals on avoiding burnout from the increased pressures they are experiencing during the recession

Flawed people management wastes billions' in merger and aquisition deals

European companies are "throwing away" billions of euros by not addressing people management issues during mergers and acquisitions, according to Hewitt Associates.

Google uses maths to improve employee retention

Google is taking steps to improve its employee retention by implementing a mathematical formula that calculates when staff are likely to leave the company.

How has the recession affected the mindset and expectations of Generation Y?

When they joined the workforce in the late 1990's, Generation Y (Gen Y) brought a different set of strengths, but with those strengths came new challenges for employers too.

Corporate social responsibility is a sound business strategy, says Anglo American's head of resourcing

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) must not be a luxury employers adopt only in times of boom. It should also be used when the economy is in trouble to help employers do business better, a senior...

TUC demands rethink of what constitutes 'unbearable' summer temperature limits

With a long, hot summer reportedly on the way this year, the TUC has called for a new upper limit on workplace temperature for staff health and safety.

Martin Tiplady, HR director at the Metropolitan Police Service gives his views on HR

HR magazine asked the Metropolitan Police Service's HR director Martin Tiplady about some of the issues facing HR departments in the current climate, and here is what he said.

Does a messy desk scupper promotion chances?

Almost a third of employees (32%) keep their desks messy as they think it makes them look busy while 85% of senior staff think an organised desk is important in gaining promotion.

More than eight out of 10 HR professionals do not measure return on investment

A report from Talent Q shows 82% of HR staff do not measure the return on investment of their practices - which is why they struggle to be seen to provide value to their organisations.

Toyota staff agree to reduced working hours and 10% base pay cut to avoid redundancies

Toyota Manufacturing is to reduce staff working hours and base pay by 10% to avoid redundancies.