HR future leader of the month: Maria Franklin

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it

Finding your life's balance: One-year review

In her last regular feature Nina Grunfeld asks: did you focus on your wellbeing in 2017?

How to succeed in HR: HRDs' top tips

?Three HR professionals share their top career tips

HR future leader of the month: Rachel Kent

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it

Social mobility in HR: One practitioner's journey

Charles Stanley valued the diversity in thought, attitude, background and approach Donna Hewitson could bring to the role

Finding your life's balance: Love and romance

In our regular feature Nina Grunfeld presents a wellbeing series for HR professionals. It's time to focus on yourself

HRD's pocket guide to... R&D

November's pocket guide outlines what you should be doing when it comes to R&D

What do innovative HRDs have in common?

There are areas of influence and qualities innovative HR directors share

A postcard from... Nigeria

Our 'postcard from' series keeps you updated on key HR areas in different countries

HR future leader of the month: Liz Laughton

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function about what they think will shape it

Finding your life's balance: Spirituality

In our regular feature Nina Grunfeld presents a wellbeing series for HR professionals. It's time to focus on yourself

The science of confidence – confidence tips to help you at work

What is confidence? And if we don’t have it, or don’t have enough of it, how do we go about getting it?