Job sharing is not just suited to support functions and can be successful across most roles at any level. Employers and HR must have a full understanding of the pros and cons involved before considering creating a job share.
- There is no one-size-fits-all job share design. It should be flexible and dependent on levels of expertise.
- Job shares can be successful whether or not the employees know each other first or come from within or outside the organisation.
- But either way time should be spent together at the beginning so that job sharers understand each other.
- Map out a shared vision so both are operating from the same set of shared assumptions. This is particularly important when working at a senior level.
- Have a thorough understanding of the job share business plan and contractual agreements so you know who is responsible for what and are able to manage performance.
- Recognise the needs of each employee in a job share, ensure they are treated as individuals for practical HR purposes but considered as a unit for appraisals and one-to-ones.
- Ensure the job sharers take full responsibility for the smooth running of the role.
- Particularly at a senior level, ensure there isn’t too much ego at play. Successes and challenges must be shared jointly.
Further reading
The benefits of senior job shares
Senior job sharing: HR case study