Addressing gender imbalance in hospitality

?The latest research by a team of researchers from the University of Greenwich and the University of Surrey offers practical recommendations to fight gender inequalities in the workplace.

Mandatory gender pay gap reporting needs extending, say MPs

A group of MPs have called for mandatory gender pay gap reporting to be widened to include businesses with 100 employees or more.

Government pressed to consider coronavirus’ long-term impact on employee health

More research into the coronavirus pandemic’s long-term impact on employees' health and career development is needed, according to The Employment Lawyers Association (ELA).

Employers not doing enough to encourage senior level diversity

?Less than a quarter (23%) of UK employers go beyond basic legislative requirements on diversity when it comes to recruitment and selection of senior level roles.

Thinking that time is scarce can influence how you evaluate information

Anne-Sophie Chaxel, associate professor of marketing at HEC Paris, explains how the influence of a limited time perspective on hiring and promotion decision-makers can have a very detrimental effect...

Why white male managers need to talk about diversity

If improving workplace diversity and inclusion isn’t on your agenda, then you need to take a different view. Many businesses are now taking a positive step in the right direction, incorporating new...

Mandatory gender pay gap reporting has ‘naming and shaming effect’ on driving equity

Employers are taking action to reduce their gender pay gap due to concerns of the ‘naming and shaming effect’ poor pay equity can have on their ability to attract the best talent.

The gender feedback gap

In 2019, the gender pay gap in the UK was 17.3%. Put simply, this means women earned on average 83p for every £1 men were paid for the same job.

HR has the opportunity to lead on trans and non-binary inclusivity

The last week has been a formative time for equality legislation in the UK, with high profile decisions not receiving as much coverage due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic announcements.

Targets not enough to help women into senior leadership roles

There are still too few women in senior leadership positions to drive long-term change, despite voluntary targets having boosted gender diversity on UK boards.

Coronavirus has affected female hiring and job confidence

?The coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on the professional lives of women in the UK, according to new data from LinkedIn.

Demand for D&I roles four times higher than those in HR

?The number of D&I roles in UK workplaces has increased by 58% over the past five years according to a new report from LinkedIn.