Workers prepared to take pay cut for fully remote roles

Three quarters of UK office workers said they would take a pay cut to guarantee a fully remote role allowing them to work from anywhere.

Just half of UK employees feel trusted at work

Despite trust in the workplace being fundamental to employee engagement, research by Catalyst found across Europe just 46% of employees in Europe feel they are ‘often’ or ‘always’ trusted by their...

Zurich introduces paid ‘lockdown leave’ for parents and carers in UK

Responding to the national lockdown and school closures in the UK, insurance firm Zurich has introduced an extra 10 days paid leave to help parents and carers balance their responsibilities with work.

Government extends furlough yet critics warn more job support needed

The UK government has confirmed it will extend the furlough scheme until April 2021 to provide more support for the nation’s jobs and businesses.

Under 35s fear COVID-19 will affect their careers

The pandemic’s effect on job prospects and earning potential is causing concern among young people as fears that they will become the ‘lost generation’ grow.

Building back better with disability inclusive policies

The United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December) is an opportunity to highlight the many contributions that disabled people make to our economy, our workplaces and...

COVID-19 could help to level the playing field for the disabled workforce

Working from home due to the pandemic has meant that more jobs are opened up to those with disabilities, however it may not go far enough.

Home truths: adapting to the new world of work

Lockdown has provided us with a nationwide remote working experiment, but it may not have been as successful as HR had hoped.

HR and business leaders must acknowledge mental health taboo

The year 2020 will be one to remember, but not through the lenses of rose tinted glasses. Some of the biggest events (and disasters) have had global repercussions, not the least to the general...

Job flexibility helps narrow gender pay gap as women apply for more senior roles

The option to work part-time, job share or flexibly could be fundamental to helping close the gender pay gap, finds a new study by Zurich insurance and the government-backed Behavioural Insights Team.

There’s never been a better time for HR to team up with building management teams

With a second lockdown in the UK and the return of work from home where you can advice, it’s clear that we’re now seeing long-term change when it comes to remote and flexible working.

Parents in need of more support from employers

A majority (73%) of parents have said that their childcare needs are different now due to coronavirus, and additional employer support is required.