Case study: Health screening for all at Danone UK

Danone found a simple way to boost engagement, health and wellbeing throughout the workforce

Social and economic change and generational difference

The world of work and how people approach jobs is changing. These differing attitudes are often generational

Most employees not satisfied with benefits schemes

Workplace benefits schemes might not be providing what employees want, as many are unsatisfied with the offerings

Most families worse off under Tax-Free Childcare scheme

Tax-Free Childcare is due to roll out from early 2017, slowly phasing out childcare vouchers by April 2018

Workers get more done from home

Home working is a key element of the employee engagement mix and can significantly improve efficiency

The legalities of preferential benefits

While employers who provide benefits to certain groups of employees may have the best of intentions, there are legal implications to consider

Why embracing duty of care brings business benefits

While Duty of Care is a legal requirement, companies that go above and beyond are reaping the benefits

SMEs suffering 'brain drain'

Around 450,000 people employed at SMEs switched positions each year in the past five years

Where next for employee benefits?

The employee benefits landscape is changing, with a broadening out of what might be defined as such

Pick and mix benefits case studies

Allowing staff to pick and mix benefits can help employers stand out. Here's how to make it work

Londoners less likely to work flexibly

Just over half of employees based in the capital work flexibly, compared with 54% nationally

Top Employers for Working Families Awards shortlist announced

HR magazine is a media partner for the awards and editor Katie Jacobs sat on the judging panel