Budget 2016: What HR needs to know

Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled the Conservative government’s 2016 budget

UK has one of the most frugal benefits systems in Europe

Glassdoor's study ranks the UK third from the bottom on overall workplace and state benefits offering

Dogs in the office: How Nestlé makes it work

HR magazine editor and dog nut Katie Jacobs visits Nestlé, the UK’s most dog-friendly office

Alternative models for healthcare: The HR impact

With the NHS under increasing pressure, the UK may soon be in need of a different model for healthcare

Life expectancy to rise to 100

As life expectancy continues to rise the impact on employers is likely to be significant

A fifth of employees would ‘sell' back holiday

Employees would forgo annual leave for a higher salary, despite not enjoying a good work/life balance

SPL: A father's view

The arrival of our son Harry meant I was lucky enough to be one of the first fathers to take shared parental leave (SPL)

Introducing 'activity-based' working

From de-cluttering to redesigning meeting areas, we explore how companies are maximising space AND productivity

Hot topic: Extension of Shared Parental Leave, part two

Older people have been given the right to take time off to help care for their grandchildren

Hot topic: Extension of Shared Parental Leave to grandparents

Older people have been given the right to take time off to help care for their grandchildren

Free ebook from Unum: Employee Benefits for Health and Wellbeing – a guide for SMEs

Unum has released a free ebook guide to employee benefits for SMEs


UK employees not using their full holiday allowance

A significant number of UK employees did not use all of their paid holiday allowance last year