Michael Watkins: Transitioning is a core leadership skill

There are eight common transition challenges that most leaders encounter in their professional lifetime

Corporate governance and exec remuneration at Thomas Cook

Questions need to be asked about whether board members had the best interests of the company at heart

How to make the CEO-HRD relationship rock solid

Rather than HR playing second fiddle to the CEO, there should be bonds of equality and trust

Lessons from the C-suite: Jonny Combe

Surround yourself with people who will tell you you’re wrong

Karren Brady: Staff must know what their organisation stands for

The ‘first lady of football’ shared her personal story of transforming culture in the male-dominated world of football and her “ingredients” for a successful business

Why women succeed as leaders better than men

Women showcase more of the behaviours needed to deliver outstanding leadership

Is Boris Johnson's leadership style inclusive?

Whatever their political stance, organisations can potentially learn from Boris Johnson's behaviour since becoming prime minister

How to lift your top team out of a work rut

Senior employees are often forgotten when it comes to disengagement, but it's vital any apathy is tackled before it spreads

Lessons from the C-suite: Roger Proctor

Family is important, so is flexibility for all

Hedge funds and private equity firms failing to recruit female partners

Research shows no progress on gender diversity at senior levels

What kind of leadership can we expect from Boris Johnson?

Our new prime minister's leadership style is markedly different from his predecessor's. But perhaps this means he will succeed in areas where she struggled

Why we appointed employees to our board

Capita has shown its commitment to employee voice by appointing two workers to the board