DofE schemes and leadership at Heathrow

Partnering with the DofE was an obvious fit with Heathrow's values and made a positive local impact

Older workers not supported in the workplace

Only 12% thought older people were appreciated and respected at work

Older workers could be your biggest asset

You might feel that older workers are holding your business back, but they could be your biggest asset

Firms publish age diversity data

BITC and the government have called for UK employers to publicly commit to employing 12% more older workers by 2022

The great Millennials myth: The secret to motivating young people

Generational difference models aim to predict overriding characteristics, but lack evidence and lead to poor decision-making

More people than ever expecting to work past 65

Low returns on savings, insufficient pensions and enjoying a job were all reasons given

Hot Topic: State pension age rises, part two

The state pension age should rise to 68 by 2039, according to recommendations in the Cridland report

Baby Boomers at higher risk of job automation

Younger people are substantially more likely to choose roles at lower risk of automation

Older low and medium earners struggle to save

A rise in employment for older people has not increased wages

Building a multigenerational workforce that reflects society

The workforce at McDonald's now spans 75 years, from 16-year-olds to those in their eighties

Older workers affected by declining hours

While employment rates are up the number of hours worked has fallen for older age groups

Why I made D&I my legacy

DP World faces challenges incorporating different cultures, younger workers and women