Biden withdraws: When is the right time to step down or retire?

Current US president Joe Biden has ended his re-election campaign, dropping out of the presidential race after concerns over his age and proficiency to run the country.

One in 10 returns to work after retirement

More than one in 10 (11%) of people over 50 in the UK have returned to work after retiring, research from insurer Legal & General has shown.

What’s new on #WorkTok?

Just as the world of work has constantly evolved, so too has the world of #WorkTok. The app now features hashtags including #ActYourWage, #BareMinimumMondays, #RageApplying and #JobShiftShock.

Age stereotypes stunt career progression, study finds

Nearly a fifth (18%) of UK workers reported that they think the age limit to switch careers is in their 40s. A slightly lower proportion (13%) think that their career switching options are limited...

How can HR support younger workers?

As the UK government considers a proposal that could impact younger workers, we asked HR professionals what employers can do to support young people at work.

Digital tools cause intergenerational conflict at work, research suggests

Digital communication tools are causing conflicts between different generations at work, according to research from digital transformation provider the Adaptavist Group.

Young people turning down jobs over transport and uniform costs

Research found 5% of young people who are unemployed had to turn down a job because they cannot afford the costs to start, including rent, transport or uniform, according to NatWest and the Prince’s...

Ageism most commonly experienced at work, study finds

People in their 50s and 60s experience ageism most commonly at work, according to research from the Centre for Ageing Better.

How to motivate mid-life employees to save for retirement

Visualising retirement is key to maintain pension saving for employees aged 45 to 54, according to thinktank Phoenix insights.

Young employees unprotected by employment rights

Nearly three quarters (72%) of young employees aged 16 to 24 miss out on key employment rights at work, compared with just 27% aged 25 and over, according to a study by the Trades Union Congress...

Being told to ‘grow up’ not ageist, tribunal rules

A casino waitress who was told to ‘grow up’ following an argument and was referred to as ‘the black girl’ has lost her age and race discrimination claims.

Nepotism threatens youth career prospects

The majority (61%) of young people say it has become more difficult to get a job without a ‘way in’, while 54% feel anxious about being left behind by the job market, according to a study from KFC and...