
New safeguarding guidance launched by standards body

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has released a new standard to help employers safeguard employees.

How can HR support whistleblowers?

An employment tribunal began last week (Thursday 2 May) that is set to decide the extent of civil servants’ rights to make public interest disclosures to the press. As former civil servant Josie...

Water workers suffer increased abuse due to sewage dumping, says union

Half (52%) of water workers said abuse they receive has increased due to sewage dumping, according to a survey by union GMB.

Interim CEO unfairly dismissed after whistleblowing about his replacement’s CV

An interim CEO of Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust was unfairly dismissed after raising concerns about the CV of the person appointed as their permanent replacement, a tribunal has ruled.

Hot topic: Should whistleblowers be paid?

Whistleblowing reports are on the rise, and employers are being called out, both for substandard disclosure channels and for not taking concerns seriously.

Employee unfairly dismissed for reporting sheesha den, tribunal finds

A former charity employee was unfairly dismissed for reporting smoking in the office, an employment tribunal found earlier this month.

Whistleblowing doesn’t have to be a bad experience

Getting whistleblowing right is not easy for an organisation. But even more importantly, stepping forward as a whistleblower is no easy feat.

Whistleblowing reports rose by a quarter last year

Calls to the advice line for whistleblowing charity Protect increased by 23% in 2023.

Missy Empire employees told no HR function in culture scandal

Former staff of fast fashion retailer Missy Empire claimed they were told the company did not have an HR function, after they complained of a toxic work culture.

Doctor loses tribunal after raising safety concerns

A consultant obstetrician who was dismissed after raising safety concerns has lost his claim of retaliatory victimisation.

Organisational safety means facing unwelcome truths

It is perhaps easy with hindsight after a tragedy to see where individuals and organisations failed to apply due diligence, openness and a willingness to listen and instead took a ‘protectionist’...

How to identify whistleblowing and protected disclosures

Workers across the country become whistleblowers every day through comments made in grievances, resignation letters, e-mails or in verbal conversations. Some see themselves as whistleblowers and...