Lgbt inclusion

Is the workplace more trans-inclusive than society?

In the wider world the transgender community is not still experiencing enough support and inclusion and there is a new surge in rhetoric, harassment and discrimination, and a huge wedge between gender...

A third of UK employees feel LGBT+ support stops at Pride

Some UK companies have been accused of only supporting the LGBT+ community during Pride month.

LGBT+ community unsupported by employee benefits

A third of UK employers feel LGBT+ employees aren't properly supported by employee benefits.

Stonewall CEO: creating a safe space for ideas key to trans inclusion

Senior leadership involvement is vital to ensure trans inclusivity at work, and HR can help, says LGBT+ charity Stonewall.

Unconscious bias observers could boost interview inclusivity

Including impartial unconscious bias observers in interviews could help to make recruitment more inclusive for LGBT+ job seekers, according to research from the University of Manchester.

Top employers for LGBT+ inclusion in 2022 listed by Stonewall

Lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer (LGBT+) rights charity Stonewall has published its top 100 employers for LGBTQ+ inclusion in 2022.

Why identity politics and safe spaces are being dangerously misused

In September 2020, the smartly named #BAMEOver Live debate took place which set out to answer the question, ‘What do we want to be called?’ Afterwards the organisers surveyed more than 1,000 more...

Getting the support you need when coming out as non-binary at work

Many of us went through a journey of self-discovery during the pandemic, and for me it was no different. It took the months of introspection brought on by lockdown to reach a place where I realised I...

Supporting LGBT+ staff in the wake of cancelled London Pride

News of London Pride's cancellation for the second year due to coronavirus restrictions is a blow to many in the LGBT+ community.

How to best serve LGBT+ employees

Workplace discrimination against LGBT+ members is a significant problem, with many LGBT+ employees believing their company could do more.

Same-sex parents need inclusivity drives

HR teams are always looking to create the most inclusive workplace cultures possible, but same-sex parents are likely to feel less supported.

Transgender employees face 14% income gap

LGBT+ staff are struggling with promotion opportunities and verbal abuse, with transgender workers feeling particularly unsupported