
Men working more overtime than women

More than a quarter (28%) of men work overtime everyday compared to 13% of women, according to research from workspace provider Office Freedom.

EU Directive demands third of board members are women by 2026

European employers will have to report minimum percentages of women on their boards following an agreement in Brussels by the European Council after a decade of preparation and numerous roadblocks.

Has regulation helped close the gender pay gap?

Gender pay gap reporting has been with us since 2017 - the UK being at the forefront of legislation in this area.

How do you make a pay gap action plan?

Our resident D&I expert Huma Qazi tackles the question of employees who deny their own privilege.

Women being overlooked for company share schemes

Twice as many men are being given access to their company's share schemes compared to women.

Stress forcing women out of the workforce

Women in the UK feel more stressed today than they did a year ago, and nearly half (47%) say it is the reason they will likely leave their job in the next two years.

How HR can pioneer equal pay

Gender pay gap reporting in the UK has been mandatory since 2017, but progress remains slow - how can HR professionals challenge the status quo to improve pay parity for all?

Working class and a woman: what the research tells us

Characteristics such as socio-economic background do not exist in isolation, and there are important interactions between socio-economic background and women.

Living openly as a trans woman in the workplace

Lying, they say, is harder work than telling the truth. But the sad truth is that for LGBT+ people, bad work environments end up making liars of us all.

Majority of jobs below Living Wage held by women

New data published by the Living Wage Foundation has revealed it is women who are disproportionately impacted by low pay and current rising living costs.

How can employers champion single mothers?

There are 1.8 million single parents in the UK, the vast majority of whom (nine out of 10) are women. Almost all are in work or want to work, and pre-pandemic single-parent employment hit record...

Disability is just part of being human

Intersectionality is just another word for being human. None of us sit in just one box. And yet, too often in our conversations about disability, inclusion, and belonging, we focus on just one strand...