
What can HR learn from the MoD hack?

HR data privacy made headlines this month when the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was subject to a hack that exposed the personal data of an estimated 270,000 current and former military personnel.  

Employee data breaches hit five-year high

Breaches of employee data increased by 41% in 2023, analysis by the law firm Nockolds found.

Manchester United sued over HR data breach

Manchester United Football Club is reportedly being sued for up to £100,000 due to a data breach where confidential employee details were exposed.

What lessons can HR learn from Amazon's €32 million employee monitoring fine?

Employee monitoring is a dynamic area with tools constantly advancing, enabling employers to measure the output and performance of employees more closely.

ICO publishes employer guidance on lawful workplace monitoring

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published new guidance for employers implementing monitoring, such as health and safety surveillance cameras, keystroke and activity tracking and...

Revamped data rules will cut admin and drive innovation

Legislation to refine the UK’s data protection regulations may be an evolution rather than a revolution, but it is being welcomed by the industry. The changes are expected to reduce the bureaucracy...

Interserve handed £4 million fine after staff data breach

Construction firm Interserve has been handed a £4.4 million fine by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) after hackers stole the personal data of 113,000 current and former employers.

What HR needs to know about October’s digital right to work check changes

From 1 October this year, right to work checks will permanently change meaning employers will only be able to hire applicants by meeting them face-to-face or using ID validation technology to check...


The weaponisation of data subject access requests

Data subject access requests (DSARs), often the responsibility of HR, are both costly and time consuming but the risk of being inundated is growing.

Right to work digital ID check providers chosen

The UK government has made the Post Office and identity verification platform Yoti the first certified digital identity service providers (IDSP) to carry out right to work checks across the country.

What a new UK GDPR law might look like

Rishi Sunak’s recent comments during the launch event for Treasury Connect have been used in the media to suggest that the UK is going to abandon GDPR entirely, and that there will be no alternative....

Balancing safety guidance and privacy law in vaccination status

Employers risk breaking the law as they respond to UK government guidance about policing staff vaccination.