
How to make remote work eco-friendly

Working from home, despite cutting the commute, may not be as eco-friendly as it seems. Claire Muir finds out what it takes to make hybrid work greener

Addressing environmental social governance crucial to protecting legacy

When executives were asked whether they would turn down a senior role in a company that did not reflect their views on diversity and a corporation’s responsibility to society, a staggering 82% said...

ESG values a deciding factor for job candidates

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are a huge draw for job candidates, many of whom are taking advantage of transferable skill sets and their ability to move around the world to work...

Climate 'lip service' stalls progress and leaves employees flat

Many British businesses see climate policy merely as a branding exercise, rather than something fundamental to future growth, research suggests.

How HR can help hit the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Organisations of all sizes have a responsibility to do all they can to help to protect the planet, and the onus is on HR to drive change for good, says Claire Muir.

Growth in green jobs market remains sluggish

The rate of green jobs creation is seriously behind government target levels.

HR must be included in climate strategies

A new report reveals an urgent need for UK businesses to include their HR leaders and people in the development and communication of their climate strategies.

Climate change topples talent as CEOs’ biggest concern

Cybersecurity, climate change and supply chain issues have topped the list of the biggest threats to growth, according to business leaders in KPMG’s 2021 CEO Outlook.

Four-day working week would improve UK carbon footprint and employee mood

Not only do employees want a four-day work week, but a new report says its introduction would dramatically reduce the UK’s carbon footprint.

Staff think employers aren't doing enough on climate change

As employers face mounting pressure to tackle the climate emergency, workers think organisations should be doing more

Businesses and unions support global climate strike

?Unions and organisations have given their backing to the youth climate strikes today, as firms are urged to take more action on environmental issues

Workers feel left out of technology change

While many employers expect technology to deliver productivity and wellbeing gains, a separate report warns that workers feel shut out of decisions around tech