The official tasked with overseeing labour exploitation in the UK has called on the government to clarify long-standing questions over workers’ status, if it wants the overhaul of employee rights to...
An IR35 case liable to £243,324 in tax repayments is being reconsidered, five years after a tribunal concluded that the contract belonged outside IR35.
Taxi and private-hire platform Veezu is being taken to employment tribunal by law firm Leigh Day to contest the employment status of its workers.
The European Council has announced its intentions to give gig workers in Europe the same rights as employees, and establish rules on AI’s use in the workplace.
Gary Lineker has won his appeal against HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) which claimed the pundit owed £4.9 million in tax.
Takeaway delivery company Just Eat has announced it will be reorganising jobs in the UK, cutting back the employment rights of its couriers.
An employment appeal tribunal has allowed 45 medical couriers to pursue a claim for unlimited backdated holiday pay.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) opened a three-year investigation into a contractor’s employment status despite its own tool showing their status was outside IR35.
On 23 September 2022 chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng unveiled his mini budget and, in just a few words, signalled his intention to repeal the off-payroll working (OPW) rules colloquially referred to as the...
The government has confirmed it will not align tax status and employment rights for the foreseeable future – this was one of the key takeaways from its long-awaited response to an employment status...
Following the 2021 Supreme Court ruling that found Uber drivers are classed as workers under UK law, the government has launched new guidance on employment status.
This month, trade union GMB has pledged to launch legal action against app-based taxi company Bolt regarding the status of its workers.