Access to work

Why the UK needs a joined-up disability, health and work strategy

To create truly inclusive workplaces, it’s time to revisit how we create and implement employment policy.

Access to Work will be digitalised from April 2024

The Department for Work and Pensions has announced that from April 2024, disabled people will be able to apply for Access to Work grants online.

BlackBerry smartphones: what impact did they have on the workplace?

The first casualty of 2022 has already been announced: BlackBerry will discontinue service on its phones.

How people workflow automation can transform your business

Wouldn’t it be good to work in a world where a single click solved everything? Well, it is possible.

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Recruiting more people with disabilities won't happen by accident

A fifth of working age people in the UK have a disability – yet only half of disabled people are in employment, according to recent figures. That's despite the fact that organisations considered...

Older workers ceasing employment earlier due to COVID

Older workers have been exiting the workforce earlier since March 2020, according to new Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) analysis.

Government's disabled worker targets: Experts respond

Amber Rudd's plans to change the benefits system and get more disabled people into work have received a mixed response