Timewise, the jobsite dedicated to professional part time jobs, today unveiled a report comprising of new analysis of Office for National Statistics data and the results of a bespoke study of senior level (£40,000+ FTE) part time workers.
The report found the vast majority of people in the UK still think that 'you cannot work a senior career on a part time basis' (72%) but 650,000 people in the UK are doing just that, accounting for a tenth of all part time employees.
But more than a third of senior part time workers would never use the word part time when describing their own pattern of work and this rises to 67%when looking at those earning more than £75,000 in isolation.
The survey also found one in seven respondents (14%) said they try to keep their part time status under the radar, by 'letting colleagues assume they work full time hours'
The report also investigates why respondents are working less hours in the first place. 'I have all the salary I need and I enjoy reduced hours' (30%), and 'I have to look after children' (29%) came out jointly as primary reasons.
despite the fact that the vast majority of respondents (90%) said 'I hit my targets and succeed in my job', ?41% of respondents say they feel there is a negative stereotype surrounding the words 'part time'?.
?Nearly a quarter (24%) worry about being unfairly labelled uncommitted? and nearly one in 10 fear it could affect their chance of promotion?.