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Bullied workers wanted for unversity study

The University of Glamorgan Business School is calling for staff who face bullying at work to take part in a new study.

Its Centre for Research on Workplace Behaviours estimates a quarter of UK employees suffer at the hands of workplace bullies. The research intends to discover the causes and effects of bullying throughout the UK and abroad.
In the first study of its kind, respondents will be asked to document their experiences of bullying on a day-to-day basis in the form of a diary.
Professor Duncan Lewis at the centre said: "By asking people to keep a diary record of their thoughts and feelings over a specific period, we can begin to look at the behaviours, persistence, prevalence and severity of peoples' experiences of being bullied at work. We are able to explore how people understand and make sense of those experiences."
To take part in the project email workplacebehaviours@glam.ac.uk