HR magazine


D&I | Wanting to ‘hire fewer white men’ not discrimination, tribunal finds

A prospective HR lead who was told in a job interview that the company wanted to hire “fewer white men” has lost a race and discrimination suit at the employment tribunal.

Health | Employers concerned about long-term illness

A fifth of employers are concerned about employees living with long-term chronic illnesses, according to research from industry body Group Risk Development (Grid).

Christmas | 12 Months of 2023: December

In December, vacancies continued to fall, geopolitical risk was named as the fastest growing danger to business and Spotify made mass redundancies.

Christmas | 12 Months of 2023: November

In November, new rules meant fewer ex-offenders will have to disclose convictions, Elon Musk declared that AI will make all jobs redundant and an inquiry found weapons at a union office in Brighton.

Inclusion | Refugees held back from reaching full potential in UK job market

Language barriers, precarious work and discrimination are halting career advancement for refugees.

D&I | Demotion of disability minister a blow for diversity, say charities

Disability charities have protested the demotion of the government’s minister for disabled people, calling it a retrogade step for disabled workers.

Christmas | 12 Months of 2023: October

In October, the Information Commissioner's Office published workplace monitoring guidance, the Supreme Court made a landmark ruling on holiday pay and the Real Living Wage increased.

Leadership | Senior leaders criticised over lack of empathy

Just 51% of UK employees think their senior leadership team is empathetic, according to software company O.C. Tanner.

Job market | Total vacancies fall under 1 million for the first time in two years

Total vacancies have fallen under 1 million for the first time since May 2021.

Christmas | 12 months of 2023: September

In September, MPs campaigned for more laws around AI, pension auto enrolment was extended and research found most low paid workers were using food banks.

Recruitment | Aviva boss vets white male senior recruits

Amanda Blanc, Aviva’s chief executive, told the Sexism in the City inquiry that she vets all senior white male recruits to improve diversity and prevent nepotism.

Tribunals | Tribunal claims returning to pre-pandemic levels

Tribunal claims are returning to pre-pandemic levels, with single claims received and disposed of decreasing by 1% and 3% respectively between July and September.