
D&I | Promote cognitive diversity to boost performance

If organisations want to accelerate diversity, and reap the rewards of more diverse teams, they need to start getting to grips with cognitive diversity.

Recruitment | How to build a 21st-century talent acquisition function

Traditionally, talent acquisition (TA) was relegated to a purely administrative role. Today, in a landscape where exceptional talent is crucial for sustained business success, establishing a TA...

Recruitment | Avoid the rehire trap

Elon Musk's recent actions at Tesla have sparked a heated debate around the practice of mass layoffs followed by rehiring former employees.

Leadership development | How to build sustainably high-performing teams

How can HR leaders focus on high performance while prioritising health and wellbeing? Maybe it’s time to take inspiration from elite sportspeople.

International working | Join the dots between mobility and talent development

Leaders need a data-led approach to ensure that global mobility works for both staff and the company.

Employment law | Why HR needs to know about the new law on tips

According to government analysis last year, an estimated £200 million is held back from staff by companies withholding tips. Thanks to new legislation, more than 2 million workers will have their tips...

Technology | How AI can enhance multi-generational communication strategies

When introducing artificial intelligence (AI) to your HR strategy, internal communications is a great place to start, especially because of our multi-generational workforce.

Wellbeing | Mental health first aiders must be comprehensively supported

Are leaders really clear on what the role of a mental health first aider (MHFA) is, and what they can and can’t do?

Data security | What can HR learn from the MoD hack?

HR data privacy made headlines this month when the Ministry of Defence (MoD) was subject to a hack that exposed the personal data of an estimated 270,000 current and former military personnel.  

Behaviour | "How can they be so stupid?"

How can leaders move from a position of frustration to one where we help people make better decisions?

Employment law | NDAs have an important role, despite a campaign to ban them

Campaign groups Pregnant Then Screwed and Can’t Buy My Silence are calling for non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to be banned in employment disputes. Some of the personal testimonies they share are...

Learning | How to increase engagement with compliance learning

Compliance learning needs to be relevant and easy to remember. But how can we make people care?