Strategic HR

Whistleblowing reports rose by a quarter last year

Calls to the advice line for whistleblowing charity Protect increased by 23% in 2023.

Are auto-enrolment saving schemes a good idea?

The government should introduce auto-enrolment (AE) saving schemes to help more people save, the Resolution Foundation has urged.

Legal ease: Flexible working update for April 2024

The latest changes to flexible working regulations are intended to reflect the continuing evolution of the world of work. Employers should take note of their new responsibilities.

Could mobile minimalism solve digital burnout?

If burnout – characterised by the World Health Organisation as exhaustion, job negativity or cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy – is acknowledged as an occupational phenomenon, a rapidly...

Hundreds of NHS nurses suspected of faking qualifications

More than 700 NHS nurses are under investigation for providing suspected fraudulent qualifications.

Violence against retail staff escalates

Violence and abuse against retail staff has increased by 50% in the last year, according to a report from the British Retail Consortium (BRC).

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 2

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. In the second part of our January/February 2024 cover story, Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees...

The legal implications of software surveillance

In the aftermath of Covid-19, with more employees home working than ever before, it is perhaps unsurprising that there has been an increase in the implementation of software surveillance.

The solution to the UK's productivity problem is in HR's hands, Part 1

Raising productivity could dig the UK out of stagnation and sustainably raise wages. Dominic Bernard finds out why a word employees associate more with job cuts than pay rises can be HR’s next proving...

Commercial manager wins unfair dismissal tribunal after ‘size of a house’ comment

Hayley Thomas won her claims for unfair dismissal and disability discrimination after she was subjected to a hostile and unwelcoming environment following absence for mental illness.

More than #girlboss or shopping hacks: it's time to get productive

Productivity is in every area of our lives. From #girlboss life hacks on Instagram and TikTok to asking our smart home devices to add milk to the shopping list, the end-goal remains the same. How can...

HR Focus podcast: 'How to introduce AI to talent management' now live

The third episode of HR magazine's HR Focus podcast is now live.