Remote working putting strain on workers’ personal relationships

A survey of 3,800 people in the UK has found self-isolation is affecting personal relationships while remote working

The UK government should be doing more to help the self-employed during the Coronavirus pandemic

Many countries have taken exceptional measures to support the self-employed during the coronavirus crisis but it is hard to identify any providing as much support as the UK.

Workers at risk because of ‘essential job’ confusion

On 23 March Boris Johnson made it clear only essential workers are to leave their homes to work, but some non-essential workers are still being made to work

Lessons from the Financial Inclusion Summit

?Nearly 2.8 million people are in work but living in poverty, according to cross-party think tank Tomorrow’s Company

Creating your own resource states for mental wellbeing

In this series of wellbeing columns Karen Beaven offers advice to others in HR

We must focus on individual not national productivity

The UK has a persistent problem with productivity. Recent statistics indicate that productivity is stagnant and its growth has been sluggish for the past decade or more

Emotional intelligence – the new skills gap

Employers want to hire people with emotional intelligence skills but candidates aren't listing them on applications

How physical intelligence affects change initiatives

Arming your employees with physical intelligence will help increase their readiness for change and increase the odds that your change initiatives will succeed

International case study: Building resilient leaders at MVF Global

How lead generation and customer acquisition business MVF Global boosted potential leaders’ confidence and abilities via management training

Young people most vulnerable to poor mental health at work

A report by Deloitte has found poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year, and that young people are the most susceptible

Formal approaches aren't always the answer to sexual harassment

When it comes to sexual harassment allegations businesses are slow to embrace restorative solutions

Business travel workers need greater protection

While HR can't predict every risk, extensive research and communication with expats will help mitigate most problems