Workplace relationships nose dive after a year of remote working

Workplace relationships have taken a huge hit during the COVID pandemic, given 22% of UK workers meet their partner or spouse at work.

Does your hybrid working dream match the reality? – Part Two

Finding a home/office balance that meets the needs of all staff will require effective two-way communication, says Lila Skountridaki, Oliver Mallett and Abigail Marks.

Does your hybrid working dream match the reality?

Finding a home/office balance that meets the needs of all staff will require effective two-way communication, says Lila Skountridaki, Oliver Mallett and Abigail Marks.

One in 10 Scottish workers in unstable work

One in 10 employees in Scotland (over 200,000 people) have said their work does not give them a stable or predictable income.

Is an out of hours ban a step back in time?

While digital technology has been a godsend for many during the pandemic, Sarah Ronan looks at whether an out-of-hours work ban could be a step backward for flexible working

The employee trust contract has changed since February 2020

Along with all the extraordinary challenges COVID-19 presents, it is also redrawing the workplace in quite a positive way. We have seen a significant acceleration in workplace flexibility, with...

What’s holding back a flexible working Bill for employees?

A private member’s bill that seeks to reform the law on flexible working was introduced into Parliament in June. Put forward by Tulip Siddiq, shadow education minister, the Bill has cross-party...

Employers encouraged to 'get tough' on employees refusing to re-enter the workplace

Workers have ignored Rishi Sunak's call to go back to offices and are continuing to work from home despite the lifting of government advice on July 19.

Reducing wages for home workers could be unlawful following government pay dispute

Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng has said civil servants will not be paid less if they continue working from home post-pandemic.

Flexible working causing divide between leaders and employees

The gap between employer and employee could widen post-pandemic as flexible working divides opinion in the workplace.

HR under more pressure as businesses shift to remote work

Two-thirds (64%) of HR specialists are expecting heightened work pressures as their organisations introduce more homeworking.

More companies offering remote working positions, according to LinkedIn

Despite the end of lockdown restrictions on 19 July and the widespread return to the office in sight, remote job opportunities are still on the rise.