Spring Budget 2021 offers HR breathing space but lacks skills investments

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has extended the three-point Plan for Jobs, increased minimum wage and introduced new schemes to help businesses recover after coronavirus, yet measures to plug skills gaps in...

Long-term furlough will take its toll on employees

The announcement that the furlough scheme is being extended until September has drawn a mixed reaction from commentators. From those who are praising the chancellor for taking a brave but costly step...

HR industry skills gap concerns exacerbated by Brexit

Most organisations within the HR industry (73%) are feeling strained due to a lack of skilled workers.

Embracing unsolicited advice could help your workforce

If you ask your colleagues if they have ever received unsolicited advice, they will surely have an anecdote or two to tell. When people receive unsolicited advice, it tends to raise further questions:...

How can businesses make the most of apprenticeships?

Young people and businesses can mutually benefit from apprenticeships – but how can businesses attract and recruit this valuable talent pool?

Career changers in need of more HR support

Changes in career are on the rise as new research shows a job for life is no longer ‘the norm’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus pandemic makes leaders open to change

Business leaders are more adaptable and open to further skills development than they used to be due to the coronavirus pandemic and its unpredictability, according to MD of marketing and digital at...

Over 45s need more HR support to navigate reskilling

The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a wave of career switching among workers over 45 year-olds in the UK, according to new research by Microsoft.

Skills for Jobs could lead to more equal opportunities

The government has announced new upskilling reforms that may help HR pursue equal job opportunities for its employees.

How to make L&D more cost-effective in 2021

As we emerge from a difficult year, having the right knowledge and skills to do our jobs will be mission critical. But at a time when L&D is needed more than ever, many business leaders have felt...

Covid-19 has caused a shift in leadership skills

Harder skills deemed important to leaders before the pandemic are no longer significant, according to a new report from The Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS).

CIPD Scotland calls for new initiatives to tackle nation’s long-term skills challenges

CIPD Scotland has called for a reform of Scotland’s skills system and further employer incentives to tackle shortages and aid the country’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.