A leap of trust will avoid a two-tier hybrid work culture

As Britain moves towards the unknown of long-term hybrid working, it will need new levels of trust to avert a harmful two-tier workplace culture.

Hybrid work brings new biases to the fore

Hybrid working has exploded and its impact on how people are led and managed will be tremendous, both positively and negatively. Whereas some leaders have embraced the changes with open arms and have...

Is the UK ready for AI in coaching and mentoring?

Over the past 12 months there has been a plethora of announcements relating to new technology platforms providing coaching and mentoring services in one form or another. Perhaps the highest profile of...

Three ways HR leaders can shape today’s workplace

Culture is the soul of the organisation, and it’s up to HR leaders to facilitate, coach, and preserve it.

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A trust expert's advice on building a resilient culture

Rachel Botsman, trust expert, author and lecturer at Oxford University, thinks organisations that create cultures driven by humility and trust are the most successful.

Employees want more empathetic leaders, new Facebook research finds

Empathetic leadership is now needed to retain top talent in UK organisations, according to new research by Facebook.

Do boards need people people?

People issues are the central challenge of our time. As the 2021 AGM season comes to a close, some of the same issues continue to dominate, such as boardroom pay and lack of diversity, but this year...

Collaboration lessons from the UK's first post-lockdown events

Though people in the UK are largely able to eat, drink and socialise however they choose to, the idea of pitching up at an indoor event elbow-to-elbow with thousands of other people is still...

HR in the boardroom: four tips for maximising HR’s business impact

While the power of HR has undoubtedly been pushed to the fore over the past year, many HR professionals often fall short in delivering the effective support and competitive advantages needed to drive...

Roadmap out of lockdown: where next for HR? Questions answered

As the UK ploughs forward on its roadmap out of lockdown, HR leaders will be transitioning to the next stage of recovery – shaping working practices not just for survival but for the long term.

Has coronavirus sparked a new era of leadership?

Caring for teams in challenging situations has grown demand for leaders that are compassionate and courageous according to the panel at the latest London HR Connection.