Maintaining engagement in a post-COVID workplace

?In a pre-COVID-19 world, workers across the globe envisioned remote work as a way of striking the ultimate work-life balance. Fast forward to March 2020 when remote working became normalised...

Does the UK need a more positive approach to open door policies? Part II

Open-door policy is as much about leadership taking action as it is about company culture. Without a strong communication ethic within the organisation, any policy will fall flat.

Businesses increasingly use temps to support recovery

Employers are increasingly turning to temporary staff as they try to recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Employers urged to back gift cards as campaign launched

The government has been called on to increase the tax-free employer gifting allowance in a bid to boost the high street.

Setting a standard for employee wellbeing

Today’s work environment is stressful, especially now that work spaces have moved inside the home.

Is it time to change benefits?

Working patterns and practices have been steadily changing for many businesses over the past few years however, the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated these shifts – with the trend towards...

UK CEOs leading the way on employee wellbeing

UK CEOs are leading the way in recognising the toll the coronavirus pandemic is having on their employees, new research from PwC has found.

See how workforce experiences impact engagement and productivity

Research shows that embracing a workforce experience strategy, not just a focus on employee engagement, can significantly boost productivity.


How SMEs are recovering from coronavirus

Regular training, a long-term vision and openness to innovation have been found to be three of the most important factors in top performing UK SMEs, presenting others with the opportunity to reinforce...

Remote working boom could see power-shift towards employees

The lockdown has been a major test for managers and leaders. Many businesses have had to tackle tough economic conditions, with demand for their goods and services evaporating overnight.

Financial safety leads as top priority for SME benefit schemes

?A quarter of SME employees would like income protection in a post-COVID-19 workplace.

Is a sense of community the solution for HR in an economic downturn?

So much of the storm that businesses are currently weathering is outside of their control. Keeping up with a plethora of government news, advice and guidelines; supporting employees with physical and...