Employee assistance programmes more popular than ever

The number of employees in the UK seeking aid from their employee assistance programmes (EAPs) leapt by nearly 350,000 in the past year.

The evolution of capitalism: profit or purpose?

Is profit the fundamental criterion for a business? As capitalism is evolving under our feet, and that evolution is accelerating since COVID-19, we’re seeing a shift of emphasis from the pre-eminence...

Hot topic: employee ownership

COVID-19 changed business priorities for many, but some saw it as an opportunity to change direction. Interest in employee ownership hit record highs during the pandemic, with 250 new employee-owned...


How to prevent cumulative stress in the workplace 

According to a 2020 survey, an alarming 79% of UK adults in employment commonly experienced work-related stress – that’s some 20% higher than in 2018.


How to get employees to speak up

Employee and organisational silence are well-documented pain points. How are leaders supposed to know what’s really going on if no one is really candid? How is HR supposed to support individuals and...

Unlimited holiday is 'click-bait HR policy'

Stockbroker firm, FinnCapp, HR consultancy CharlieHR and media agency The7stars. Three very different companies with one thing in common: they’ve all implemented unlimited holiday for employees and...

Josh Bersin: Don’t forget about deskless workers

HR analyst Josh Bersin has warned HR directors not to ignore the experience of deskless workers when improving the workplace.

Are we missing opportunities to support empty-nesters?

With universities at long last offering in-person learning once again, and record university applications following two disrupted years, more Brits than ever have become empty-nesters.

HR horror stories: the calls HR professionals dread

It may be the scariest time of year for most, but those of us who work in HR don’t scare so easily.


More workers taking two full-time jobs in secret

Work from home rules have prompted a small but growing number of workers to take on two full-time roles.

Hot seat: the HR role in securing M&A success

Somewhere between 70% and 90% of all mergers and acquisitions (M&A) fail to achieve their strategic and financial objectives. The reasons for this are complex, but the management of people is key to...

Employees need to know they're in safe hands

It’s been a year since I began remote working. First at the kitchen table, hunched over like Quasimodo’s long-lost sister, then with the addition of an extra keyboard and mouse because I was feeling...