Age is just a number – it’s the foundation building that matters

A foundation of attitude, confidence, competence and knowledge will ensure you're judged on your abilities rather than on age or length of service

Top tips on knowing when to stop

In a series of wellbeing columns Karen Beaven offers advice to others in HR

CIPD Chartered membership takes your career even further

Set yourself apart with an international professional designation

HR future leader of the month: Faisal Musa

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the industry to discover what makes them tick


BBC group HRD: HR's opportunity to influence never greater

At the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition HRD panellists spoke on good work, the HR skillset and leadership for long-term organisational health

What story are you telling about yourself?

In a series of wellbeing columns Karen Beaven offers advice to others in HR

Lights, camera... enter!

The 25th HR Excellence Awards is now open for entries!

HR future leader of the month: Opemipo Koshemani

HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the industry to discover what makes them tick


HR must remember its purpose to avoid burnout

At the UNLEASH World conference a panel of HR professionals shared tips for maintaining wellbeing in a challenging role

HR is the "lever" in today's knowledge economy

HR magazine's Most Influential Thinker of 2019, Amy Edmondson, spoke at the annual HR Most Influential rankings unveiling

HR must "work together as a community"

HR magazine's second Most Influential Practitioner of 2019, Sally Austin, spoke at the annual HR Most Influential rankings unveiling