
Register for our webinar on recognition

Don't miss our webinar with Achievers on Wednesday 18 September at 12.30pm

Webinar: Getting HR automation right

Our webinar explored how far HR has managed to automate its processes, and how the function can take this to the next level

Future-proofing finance for the digital era

Technology will forever change the way we do business. So how can you best prepare your organisation’s financial future?

Why it’s time for HR to embrace AI

AI will transform the way we work, and the challenges it brings offer opportunities for HR to drive cultural change as never before

One in five organisations have no HR automation

Speakers at an HR magazine and Sage People webinar discussed how far HR has come along the automation journey

Humanise your brand with your strongest advocates

Employees can often be an organisation’s strongest advocates, and it’s time more brands started to use this to their advantage


Register for our webinar on HR automation: Getting the transformation right

Don't miss our webinar with Sage People on Wednesday 26 June at 12.30pm


Why we need work/life blend, not work/life balance

Juggling work and life is tough, but it’s time to talk of ‘blend’ – not ‘balance’

Financial wellbeing – closing the employer-employee gap

While employees might welcome a focus on financial wellbeing many employers are yet to consider it. What can be done to close the gap?


The 10-step guide to building a compelling business case for an HR system

Technology is changing how, where and when we work.


Webinar: Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Our webinar discussed how strong cultures can deliver competitive edge

Taking action on employee mental health webinar

Our recent webinar explored changing societal and employer views on mental health, and what HR should be doing to support employees