How to help accidental managers

You won’t achieve much through your managers if you don’t sharpen their soft skills

Employers must remove stigma of suicide

Speakers at the inaugural This Can Happen conference shared their advice for workplace suicide prevention and how to respond when the worst happens

Using digital comms better: Top tips

?HR can play a crucial role in supporting staff to better use digital communications, according to Nick Morgan, author of Can You Hear Me? and communication coach

Majority of retail staff have suffered workplace abuse

Two-thirds of UK retail workers have been exposed to violence or aggression in the workplace, according to research from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Mentoring junior colleagues reduces anxiety

?Mentoring junior colleagues can help to reduce anxiety in senior mentors, according to research by Oxford University

Autumn Budget 2018: What’s in store for HR?

Ahead of Hammond’s Autumn Budget on Monday, we outline what the HR community can expect to see

Bringing training to life

As digital technology transforms the way we work new skills will be needed. Can alternative training methods – from symphony orchestras to storytelling – offer a better outcome?

Employees on mental health first aid courses to double

?The number sent on mental health first aid courses is set to double as more bosses realise the scale of worker stress and depression, according to St John Ambulance

Putting the 'T+' in LGBT+

What must organisations do to ensure they are inclusive of transgender and non-binary employees?

Untrained staff biggest cyber security risk

Research reveals that a lack of staff training is leaving organisations vulnerable, with more collaboration between HR and IT needed

Firms alienating young staff with lack of mental health support

?Young people entering the workplace feel let down by firms' attitudes to mental health, Business Disability Forum and YouthSight have found

It's time L&D and HR "woke up"

A panel at Talent Gathering Scotland debated the future of HR and L&D