One third of workers from ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK are no longer able to pay their bills, rent or mortgage each month due to the cost of living crisis.
Law firm Stephenson Harwood has been criticised for its decision to offer a lower rate of pay for full-time remote workers, but research shows some workers may take up the offer.
Let me start with the good news, which is that 87% of organisations have recognition programmes. Fantastic. So, if you do the maths, this should equate to an equally high percentage of employees...
As an executive responsible for people operations and community, my guiding principle is something I learned a long time ago: people are not a company's most valuable or greatest asset. People are...
Company executives were less likely to receive a pay cut during the pandemic compared to other employees.
The lowest paid employees are the least likely to have access to a strong benefits package, despite being the group that could use them the most.
High earners are more likely to receive pay rises to match cost of living increases than lower income workers.
Too many firms are lazy by assuming their recruitment problem is a skills gap.
A former US employee of an engineering firm went viral on TikTok this month after he moved into his office for four days.
Publicly displaying employee salaries can significantly reduce pay inequities according to a study of nearly 100,000 academics across the US.
Booster salary and benefits packages for new starters aimed at helping recruitment are instead fuelling resignations.
Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) should play to their strengths when it comes to retention, and focus on building a culture of recognition, according to research.