WhatsApp in the workplace

Using WhatsApp for work can bring both advantages and disadvantages, so employers must stay on top of who is using it, when and why

The role of tech in cultural transformation

New tools can provide a framework for knowledge sharing and a more collaborative approach, but technology alone does not create culture

Humanise your brand with your strongest advocates

Employees can often be an organisation’s strongest advocates, and it’s time more brands started to use this to their advantage


Leadership in an age of social media

Social media is changing the role of leaders and their relationships with ‘followers’ and other stakeholders.

Unions must adopt digital mindsets to attract young people

A panel at Unions 21’s annual conference discussed the potential of technology to track work hours and quality and put employees in a stronger bargaining position

Social media blunders: What employers can do

Careful judgement and watertight policies around employee posts are needed to navigate the murky world of social media

Leadership development not fit for the digital age

Speakers at a Corporate Research Forum event discussed the implications of digital disruption for leaders and leadership development

Leberecht: There needs to be a new Romantic movement in business

Being Romantic is the most unique advantage humans have in the age of machines, Leberecht said in his talk at Unleash

Leaders have increased confidence in digital skills

While Deloitte research shows that business leaders’ confidence in their own and new hires' digital skills has improved, concerns about keeping pace with new technologies and ethical use of AI persist

Public sector HR struggling with digital change

Half (50%) of HR leaders in the public sector feel unable to drive digital transformation, according to research from the Public Services People Managers Association (PPMA) and MHR

Using digital comms better: Top tips

?HR can play a crucial role in supporting staff to better use digital communications, according to Nick Morgan, author of Can You Hear Me? and communication coach

CIPD 2018: Trust can't be automated

Efficiency should never be substituted for trust, according to Oxford university lecturer and author of Who Can You Trust? Rachel Botsman