Pam Loch

Avoid the costly pitfalls of miscategorising workers

The distinction between a worker and a self-employed contractor can sometimes be difficult to make out, but that is no excuse for failing to uphold your workers’ rights.


Phillip Schofield scandal: HR's legal duty in nepotism

The news surrounding ITV and the departure of Phillip Schofield has sparked rumours of nepotism within the broadcast media giant - what are the drawbacks and legalities of it?


NHS strikes should make employers think twice about health

The largest strike in the history of the NHS is a warning bell for employers and HR leaders that they need to be contingency planning and putting strategies in place to ensure their workforces are...


Six things to remember about obesity

Estimates indicate that one in four adults are obese, so employers can't escape managing obesity in the workplace


WhatsApp in the workplace

Using WhatsApp for work can bring both advantages and disadvantages, so employers must stay on top of who is using it, when and why


Is positive action always a positive thing?

Employers must be careful not to leave themselves open to discrimination claims from groups that haven't been prioritised in diversity efforts


Councils are spending vast sums of taxpayers' money defending equal pay claims

The duty to provide equal pay free of gender bias dates back to the implementation of the Equal Pay Act in the 1970s. The Act was introduced to ensure that women receive the same contractual terms and...


Doctors can be an exception to the Working Time rules

The European Working Time Directive was implemented into UK legislation under the Working Time Regulations 1998. One of the most highly publicised provisions is the limit on a worker's average working...


Deter the job applicants that are economical with the truth

A quarter of employers in the UK have withdrawn job offers after finding a prospective employee had lied or misrepresented their qualifications or experience on their application, according to studies...
