What business can learn from sporting scandals

Recent sporting scandals are reflective of immorality in human behaviour more generally

Why global businesses should be prepared for pandemics

How companies prepare for infectious disease epidemics has been revolutionised by the Ebola outbreak

HCM: From risk-mitigating to value-adding

Should human capital be seen as a risk or a value factor when assessing companies?

The war on modern slavery

The introduction of the Modern Slavery Act is a chance for organisations and their HR functions to do more than simply comply

CEO moves leave costly gaps

A lack of comprehensive succession strategy means CEO departures can trigger a cycle of damaging events in organisations, research by consultancy Armstrong Craven has found.

Internal data leaks more likely than external

The majority of privacy failures come from inside organisations, with the evolving role of the chief privacy officer key to combatting this, managing director at member-based advisory firm CEB Brian...

Lack of HRDs on risk committees a danger for companies

There is a lack of continuity between the way companies publicly acknowledge the importance of human capital in their risk analysis, and how they manage their associated leadership risk, a white paper...

Lack of focus on 'critical roles' is risky business, experts warn

Many companies are not fulfilling their potential because the right talent is not being deployed into the right areas of business and succession planning is focussed too much at the top, panellists at...

Banking industry reputation is damaging ability to recruit graduates, says Lloyds CEO

The banking sector must "urgently" address young people's perception of the industry, CEO of Lloyds Banking Group António Horta-Osório (pictured) has said.

Top eight HR risks, and how to handle them

The firefighting of the past few years has proved HR's capabilities in tackling risk - but despite what some people think, even HR doesn't have eyes in the back of its head. Here are some of of the...

Risky business: how HR and risk can work together

A few weeks ago, HR magazine attended a conference. On the agenda: culture, engagement, values, trust. Nothing new there. But this wasn’t an HR event. In fact, there weren’t even any HR professionals...

Invest in making employees more alert to security risks, says PricewaterhouseCoopers

Organisations should be making employees their first line of defence against damaging security incidents instead of investing in technical solutions.