Hot topic: Peer-to-peer bonuses

A growing number of businesses have introduced peer-to-peer bonuses, otherwise known as ‘microtippping’, according to the BBC

HR Excellence Awards 2019: The winners

Network Homes scooped Best HR team, Outstanding engagement strategy, Best learning and development strategy and the Gold award

Scrapping bonuses: The legal lowdown

As economic and political uncertainty continues to grip the nation, some firms are considering making savings by scrapping or withholding bonuses

Matthew Taylor in conversation with Ann Pickering

In the last of our three-part series the RSA chief executive grills business brains on pressing employment and social issues

Reward programmes not effective say HR

Many HR professionals don’t think their organisation's rewards and recognition programme is up to scratch, according to research from Reward Gateway

Why we launched an employee share scheme

Our colleagues are our business and without them we are nothing. We want them not only to feel ownership of Weir but to have ownership

How to build a compensation plan

A good compensation plan combines several models and objectives and is adapted to the organisation's culture, the type of employee and the field of work

Back to basics... Pre-paid employee reward cards

Our back to basics series brings you top tips from industry experts on the bread and butter areas of HR

Communicating employee salary packages effectively

Organisations that invest in their workforce’s pay without communicating the investment will be perceived as equal to organisations that haven’t invested in them at all

Minimum wage boost won't end in-work poverty

Increases to the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage welcomed, but experts say organisations must do more to support employees on low pay

RemCos must cap executive pay and appoint employee reps, say MPs

Large companies should better share profits with staff by curbing exec pay, a select committee report has said. But critics highlight how long academics and politicians have been suggesting such...

Universal basic income around the world

How a universal basic income was piloted in Finland and Namibia