Ravit Oren

Six ways to become a significant strategic partner

What must HR do differently to earn a place among the decision-makers?


Managing time in meetings

As research shows that managers spend 15% of their time in meetings, here’s how to better manage meeting time in your organisation


How AI will liberate organisations

Artificial intelligence (AI) liberates employees from dry technical tasks and gives them the freedom to devote themselves to what they were intended to be: human capital


The Montessori method and organisational leadership

Taking the teaching method from the early-years classroom to the negotiating table


How mediocre managers ruined Kodak

An organisation will rise or fall depending on if it is willing to get out of its comfort zone and lead with courage, or if it will manage with mediocrity and cease to exist


The importance of authentic leadership

While being an authentic leader can be difficult, the combination of a professional approach with the expression of our unique personality can help organisations thrive


How to build a compensation plan

A good compensation plan combines several models and objectives and is adapted to the organisation's culture, the type of employee and the field of work


Communicating employee salary packages effectively

Organisations that invest in their workforce’s pay without communicating the investment will be perceived as equal to organisations that haven’t invested in them at all


How to deal with high-performance but high-drama staff

Brilliant employees can often require excessive emotional maintenance


Your best employee is worth more than you pay them

Fair pay is not equal pay, rather payment that’s derived from a quantitative calculation of the employee's value to the organisation, regardless of their position


Human capital management in times of risk

In times of crisis it is important to preserve employees and identify those that can help strengthen the organisation’s capabilities in the long run
