Closing the gender pay gap: A prize worth reaching for

Businesses should grasp the opportunity to help close the gap between men and women’s pay

Recognition linked to higher engagement

Those who recognise others for their efforts at work are more engaged and motivated than those who don't

Gender pay reporting will mask age gap

While the pay gap has shrunk for some, there's still an age disparity that pay reporting won't tackle

Latest gender pay reporting regulations: Questions remain

The final draft regulations provided some clarity but areas such as benefits and salary sacrifice remain unclear

Companies must justify high pay

Prime minister Theresa May said she wants to ensure "everybody plays by the same rules"

Open University Business School: A year of insight

Download this ebook featuring a year of insights from our HR Most Influential partner


UK gender pay gap reporting – radical change or token gesture?

Other countries leading the way here demonstrate how greater emphasis on action required

Pay rises: Should women's ability to negotiate matter?

Should the ability of women to negotiate really be the most important factor in closing the gender pay gap?

Can (and should) employers ditch bonuses?

Some employers are ditching bonuses. But is this a good idea and what are the legal implications?

Rewards & Benefits Summit 2016, 12-14 October, Barcelona

An update on the progress of our forthcoming event

Businesses must tackle 'ownerless corporations'

Chris Philp, MP (Con) for Croydon South, calls for shareholder committees and mandatory pay ratios

Case study: Total pay equality and multi-skilling at a workers' co-operative

Paying everyone the same enables employees to work across different areas of the business and make decisions collaboratively