Food for thought: A new way to boost employee morale and productivity

Keeping your employees fed - in the office, on the road or working from home - is about more than just their wellbeing as Michael Stewart, head of HR EMEA at Uber for Business explains

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Under 35s face professional confidence crisis

?Under 35s are facing a confidence crisis at work after feeling isolated and afraid to speak out to colleagues.

The gender feedback gap

In 2019, the gender pay gap in the UK was 17.3%. Put simply, this means women earned on average 83p for every £1 men were paid for the same job.

Recognition most effective way of re-engaging workforce

More recognition would be the most effective way to re-engage the workforce following the coronavirus pandemic according to a survey from engagement software provider Achievers.

HR needs data and tech investment to improve employee benefits

HR teams are spending thousands on employee benefits but have no idea if they are being used, according to new research.

UK tech workers believe location should be unrelated to pay

Almost half (49%) of UK workers at tech SMEs said they believe pay and benefits should be based on ability rather than location, and more would like further remote opportunities according to a poll...

FTSE 100 companies fail to address executive pay disparity despite pandemic cuts

The CIPD and the High Pay Centre have called for the reformation of FTSE 100 remuneration committees (RemCos) following the results of their latest executive pay report.

Day three of the CIPD Festival of Work

The CIPD’s Festival of Work has been a little different this year, swapping the Olympia in London for a virtual conference experience fit with exhibitors, speakers, and wellbeing facilities.

Labour leader Keir Starmer calls for workers to know how much colleagues are earning

Labour party leader Keir Starmer has announced his support of the Fawcett Society’s ‘right to know’ campaign which allows workers to know how much their colleagues are earning.

Which companies are going the extra mile for employees during coronavirus? Part one

We shine a light on the effort businesses have made, big and small, to support their staff and the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

Two in five UK companies change employee benefit programmes due to COVID-19

Two-fifths (42%) of companies have made or are planning to make changes to their employee benefit programmes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it has had on working life.

Lack of recognition is biggest barrier to engagement for UK workers

A lack of employee recognition for their contributions is the single biggest factor for British people feeling disengaged at work, according to Achievers.