Forty days in lockdown: workers' stories

Today is the UK’s 40th day in lockdown and to mark the occasion researchers from the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow have created a resource of 40 stories about working life...

Childcare labelled leading cause of stress while working from home

Juggling childcare with working from home is a leading cause of stress for Brits during the coronavirus lockdown, a new study reveals.

HR responds to COVID-19: manufacturing

Manufacturers are having to develop new ways of working to keep their processes running and clients happy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus opens up new opportunities for workers with life limiting illness

People with a life limiting issue or disability could become invaluable to businesses in a post- coronavirus world, according Steve Shutts from recruitment charity Astriid.

Spotify reveals world's most popular working from home songs

Spotify data has revealed the world’s most popular working from home tracks, as workers hunker down during the coronavirus lockdown.

How to successfully navigate virtual performance management

With the COVID-19 pandemic causing the majority of employees to work from home, it has never been more important for us to have the skills to manage remote workers effectively.

Half of workforce believe employer will remove remote working after coronavirus

Almost half (47%) of workers believe their employer will ditch widespread remote working once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

Employee health already decreasing due to remote working

Workers are already suffering from health issues due to the switch to remote working, according to an Institute for Employment Studies (IES) interim survey

Government makes it easier for employers to check Right to Work to protect safety

The UK government has made temporary adjustments to Right to Work checks for employers to respect social distancing measures

UK government helps remote workers by removing broadband data caps

The government announced it will remove all broadband data caps to help combat isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak

Remote working is not a silver bullet for the Coronavirus crisis

The COVID-19 crisis means that it’s inevitable most employees who can need to work from home. But Carlos Ruiz, managing director of Portas Global, warns that the practice is not the “Holy Grail”...

Working from home costs employees £12 per month

Working from home accounts for £11.94 of UK employees’ monthly broadband bill