Remote work pay cuts on horizon despite businesses saving money

More than two-thirds of companies across the UK are considering pay cuts for staff who choose to work from home.

Disclosing salaries in job adverts could tackle gender pay gap

Employers who advertise salary details in job adverts will help to tackle the gender pay gap, according to the Young Women’s Trust.

UK tech workers believe location should be unrelated to pay

Almost half (49%) of UK workers at tech SMEs said they believe pay and benefits should be based on ability rather than location, and more would like further remote opportunities according to a poll...

Labour leader Keir Starmer calls for workers to know how much colleagues are earning

Labour party leader Keir Starmer has announced his support of the Fawcett Society’s ‘right to know’ campaign which allows workers to know how much their colleagues are earning.

We need to start talking about the disability wage gap

Often when we speak of a wage or pay gap, the topic concerns the gender pay gap between men and women.

Changes to employment law in April 2020: what employers should know

Employers across the UK are naturally preoccupied with the COVID-19 outbreak at present.

Five companies going the extra mile for employees during Coronavirus

We live in unprecedented times and the news can become overwhelming at times.

Exec pay falls by 13% but gulf between top and bottom of firms remains "unacceptably wide"

Executive salaries remain far higher than those of the average worker despite a slight decrease over the past year, according to research from the CIPD and the High Pay Centre

Will linking exec bonuses to diversity at Uber actually work?

Uber’s bold move to link executive bonuses to diversity metrics has raised eyebrows, but is the criticism too harsh?

Hot topic: Peer-to-peer bonuses, part two

A growing number of businesses have introduced peer-to-peer bonuses, otherwise known as ‘microtippping’, according to the BBC

Hot topic: Peer-to-peer bonuses

A growing number of businesses have introduced peer-to-peer bonuses, otherwise known as ‘microtippping’, according to the BBC

Minimum wage boost won't end in-work poverty

Increases to the National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage welcomed, but experts say organisations must do more to support employees on low pay