Protecting people's futures at the PPF

Over the years the Pension Protection Fund’s CPO has increased the reputation and influence of HR, enabling it to introduce key initiatives that benefit the business and the wider local community

Employers must adapt to seismic shifts in the pensions landscape

It is a time of major change in the retirement world as the risk and responsibility of providing pensions shifts from government and corporations to the increasingly anxious consumer

Older women staying in work because of pension age rises

The number of women aged between 60 and 64 in work has increased by 51% in a decade

Cyber security for pension schemes

Cyber security is one of biggest risks facing pension schemes in the new decade and most schemes are not adequately prepared

One foot in retirement

Employees are not saving enough for retirement, and often not even aware of the fact. Employers have a duty to ensure their workforces make appropriate plans for saving

Don't leave retiring employees to fend for themselves

We’re working longer and face more complex choices on retirement. So it’s vital that HR plays its part in planning the post-work future for employees

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Retirement planning one of five goals in financial wellbeing strategy

A UK-wide strategy to transform people's financial wellbeing in a decade has been launched today by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)

Queen’s Speech: Workers’ rights, Brexit and pensions

Government announces employment bill to protect workers’ rights, but experts give a mixed response

12 months of 2019: February

It's been an eventful year for HR-related issues hitting the headlines. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown revisits each month's most notable happenings

Employees underestimate amount needed for pension pot

People are unaware how much they should contribute to their pensions and other long-term savings, according to research

How to create a diversity strategy that delivers

Diversity really does deliver business success. But how do you create a successful diversity strategy?

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Help boost pensions, UK employers urged

Employers must offer workers more pensions education and support to help narrow savings gaps, according to research from Mercer
