One-third of retirees who work need to ‘make ends meet’

Almost one-third (31%) of people who class themselves still retired but still work do so to make ends meet, according to research by the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF).

Treasury to relax pension rules further

Measures expected to be announced by chancellor George Osborne later today will see savers able to take money from their pensions pots in more than one instalment, some of which is tax-free.

Helping HR to navigate auto-enrolment

More than 4.5 million people now have a workplace pension after auto-enrolment - marking for some the very first time they have saved. However, with only 2% of employers currently providing a...

Osborne proposes two-year freeze on benefits

Chancellor George Osborne has announced that the Conservatives would freeze benefits for those of a working age if they win a clear majority in the next general election.

Take-home pay in 2017 lower than pre-crisis levels, says EY report

Take-home pay in 2017 will be lower than pre-crisis levels, says an EY report.

Conservatives plan benefits cap to fund apprentices

The Conservatives have unveiled plans to fund 3 million apprenticeships, partly by imposing stricter conditions on youth benefits, if they win a clear majority in the next general election.

Are SMEs properly set up for auto-enrolment?

Auto-enrolment staging dates for SMEs will soon be here, but there are steps you can take to ensure a smooth process.

Everything you need to know about CDC pensions

Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) schemes could increase pension pots by up to 30%. But are they right for the UK market?

Auto-enrolment’s black September?

Between April and July this year, more than 30,000 employers reached their auto-enrolment (AE) Staging Date.

Advisers not confident providers can handle auto-enrolment demand

More than nine in ten advisers believe pension providers are ‘cherry picking’ auto-enrolment business, new research by Defaqto has found.


AE savers have less than 50% chance of matching work income

Employees who put in minimum contributions to their auto-enrolment pensions from 22- to 68-years-old still have less than a 50% chance of a retirement income on par with their working salary,...

Think tank urges greater savings flexibility for self-employed

The government should offer greater flexibility for the increasing number of British self-employed workers, according to a report by cross-party think tank Demos.
