HR websites and magazines have been flooded with articles about UK employers not providing any financial education to their employees, whereas well over half of employees would appreciate some.
This week, Richard Branson said that the 170 employees on his personal staff can take as much holiday as they want, when they want.
The sports and wider world have been rocked with shock and sadness that Lance Armstrong, once thought to be the greatest cyclist of his generation, cheated his way to the top. So much has his...
The Paralympics gave us a wonderful opening ceremony and delivered some great performances, as well as gold medals for Team GB.
One of the remarks often bandied around the workplace is “people are critical to the business”. Wrong! You need to re-write that to “the right people are critical to the business”.
Last year the BIS asked Adrian Beecroft to report on a number of aspects considering ways to simplify employment matters for small businesses.
There is a curious approach to safety in the UK.